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Mom Of 2 Discovers An Island Cream That Fades Stretch Marks On Black and Brown Skin -

"This is the only thing that helped fade my  pregnancy stretch marks, it actually works" - Ari

By Ashley Sorros | May 8, 2023 | 01:23 pm EDT

Ari Desmond, mother of two, faded her pregnancy stretch marks in a few weeks with a new island cream

Imagine if your biggest fear of pregnancy was getting stretch marks...

And you almost go your entire pregnancy without getting any. But about 2 months away from your due date...

You wake up one morning with your entire belly covered with dark, ugly stretch marks running all the way from the top of your belly to the bottom.

That's what happened to Ari Desmond, a 30 year old, mother of two.

Her biggest worry came true - and she was devastated...

"I wanted to cry - I felt so ugly every time I looked in the mirror"

But on a last minute baby moon, she discovered an island cream that erased her stretch marks!

In just 37 days, she was able to fade all her stretch marks! Completely naturally!

Amelia's amazing transformation left all of her friends and family completely shocked.

Ari enjoying her bikini body (ZERO stretch marks) 

"All my friends and family told me that my stretch marks would fade a little but would likely be there forever.

So when they saw that they were completely faded they were shocked! 😂"

How Ari Made The Discovery...

"I knew that it'd be a long time before I got to travel again so we made a last minute trip to Miami.

While we were there we had access to one of the private beaches that a lot of celebrities go to. 

I happened to meet a really well known model...
(I can't say her name but you would know her) 

 ...and we talked about pregnancy and a bunch of other stuff and she let me in on a little secret. 

She told me about an island cream that was supposed to be the best thing for stretch marks...

And that it was specially formulated for black and brown skin. 

The girl told me it's what she used during her whole pregnancy because getting stretch marks could've ruined her career....

The sad part is, she really wanted to share this island cream with all of her followers on IG [Instagram] but she had a big deal with another skincare brand that wouldn't let her talk about it.

And that's why I can't share her name because  I don't want to get her in trouble with anyone" 

This Island Cream Changes Women's Lives...

The Island Cream Ari used to fade her stretch mark

When Ari got back to the hotel she did more research on the cream and saw all the results it was getting for women around the country...

"I was glad to see there was a stretch mark cream made for women of color. 

The products I tried in the past never really worked, but I had never tried a stretch mark cream formulated for my skin type!

And when I saw all the amazing transformations I knew I had to try it!" 

The Results From This Cream Are Amazing...

Sydney faded her 4 year old stretch marks in 3 months

Ari saw that it helped fade all kinds of stretch marks...

Older ones from pregnancy...

Cassidy, 23 faded her booty stretch marks after 6 weeks

Thick, raised ones on the butt...

Yane, 24, from the D.R. faded her pregnancy stretch marks

Newer, pregnancy stretch marks that were red...

"It made me wonder why this cream was so effective at fading stretch marks and evening skin tone while other products seemed to do nothing at all"

That's when Ari learned that treating stretch marks on black and brown skin is MUCH different than treating stretch marks on white skin. 

Why Most Stretch Mark Products Do NOTHING On Black and Brown Skin...

Most stretch mark creams only focus on boosting collagen and elastin production - which is important when it comes to repairing skin and fading stretch marks...

Elastin is like a rubber band that pulls you skin back after it stretches. And collagen is what gives your skin a firm, youthful look...

But the problem is, almost all stretch mark products stop there.

And that's why women of color often see little to no results from using stretch mark products. 

Stretch marks on black and brown skin are either darker (too much melanin) or lighter (too little melanin) than the surrounding skin...

This difference in melanin levels is what makes stretch marks so visible.

Women of color need something that rearranges melanin to make it even out. This is the only way to even skin tone and fade the appearance of stretch marks.

So women of color need something that boosts collagen and elastin WHILE ALSO rearranging melanin.

Ari then realized why she, along with millions of other women of color, struggle to fade their stretch marks...

They were treating them completely wrong!

What Makes This Island Cream Work So Well?

The Island Beauty Research team worked to find the best ingredients to fade stretch marks on melanated skin.

Their cream works in 3 steps to fade all kinds of stretch marks (no matter how old they are)...

Step 1 - Penetrate Deep Into The Skin

Stretch marks are formed in the 2nd layer of the skin, which makes them harder to treat.

Without reaching this layer, it's impossible to heal the stretch marks.

Island Beauty Cream is formulated with a handful of oils that all help it to penetrate deep into the skin so it can heal stretch marks...

Some of them include:

Jojoba oil - which has a chemical structure similar to the skin's natural oils, allowing it to penetrate deeply and provide hydration.

Sunflower seed oil - which has a small molecular size, which allows it to penetrate the skin easily and deliver nutrients to the deeper layers.

Pumpkin seed oil - which is rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids, helping it to nourish and repair the skin at a deeper level.

Step 2 - Repair Collagen and Elastin Fibers 

Collagen and elastin are important fibers in our skin that help it to be strong, stretchy, and snap back into place.

When the skin is stretched too far, these fibers break, causing stretch marks.

That's why you need to repair collagen and elastin fibers in order to fade stretch marks.

Island Beauty Secrets included a number of ingredients to achieve this...

Vitamin E and Green Tea have antioxidants that help to protect and repair fibers.

Gotu kola and Horsetail, which have properties that create new collagen and elastin fibers.

These new fibers help pull the skin back into place and keep it firm and tight.

Step 3(Most Important)-  Rearrange Melanin 

This final step is what separates Island Beauty's stretch mark cream from other products. 

And it's what makes their cream the best option for skin of color. Here's how it works...

When the skin heals a stretch mark it produces scar tissue as a quick fix to protect the body.

The thing is, scar tissue is thick and more dense than regular tissue...

Which also makes it more melanin concentrated.

That's why stretch marks are often darker than the surrounding skin. 

The scar tissue underneath has more melanin. 

So to even out the skin tone, you have to break up the scar tissue and replace it with regular tissue.

Derma rolling with your Island Beauty Stretch Mark cream is the best way to break up your scar tissue.

Derma rolling also helps more of the cream to penetrate deep into the skin for maximum healing...

This makes the cream much more effective and easily able to even out skin tone and fade stretch marks.

Ingredients like Gotu Kola contains properties that enhance healing and regeneration of the skin.

This helps fade stretch marks and leads to a more even complexion.

Island Beauty also found that including ingredients like pomegranate helps make the skin brighter and more even.

And that Green Tea and Papaya help to replace damaged cells to even out skin tone even quicker. 

But I Thought You Couldn't Fade Stretch Marks?

While it is easier to prevent stretch marks than fade them..

You can still lessen their appearance and sometimes even make them disappear completely...

You just have to use the right products!

Stretch marks occur when the skin is stretched too far and the collagen and elastin fibers break. 

Some people have fibers that break more easily -

making them more prone to stretch marks...

However repairing damaged fibers or creating new ones are both ways in which anyone can prevent or fade stretch marks!

So even those who are prone to getting stretch marks can prevent and fade them with Island Beauty Stretch Mark Cream!

...But What If My Stretch Marks Are Old And Nothing Has Helped Them So Far?

Don't worry.

Even if your stretch marks are old. Even if you've tried dozens of products in the past. Even if people have told you there's nothing you can do...

Island Beauty Stretch Mark Cream is formulated with potent plant oils the majority of the world has never even heard of!

There's a 100% chance you've never tried anything close to Island Beauty Stretch Mark Cream

The unique ingredients in their cream have been used for thousands of years and are still used today because of how effective they are...

Regular, everyday women are seeing the power of these plant oils. Take Donna for example...

She's had her stretch marks for over 17 years and has tried every stretch mark product since the early 2000's!

She saw that Island Beauty Cream was formulated for women with her skin type and decided to give it a shot.

And she's never been happier!

Then there's Yolanda, 32, who wanted to fade her pregnancy stretch marks before her beach trip.

She started using the cream 5 weeks before the trip, and she was able to completely fade them!

And there's also Lisa, 24, who's struggled with her weight all her life.

She had stretch marks on her hips, thighs, and belly since a teenager. But she was able to even them out after her 4th jar!

Your Stretch Mark Are NOT Permanent - You Can Still Fade Them!

Ari knew what it was like to have stretch marks. Her doctors told her that her body would never be the same.

As a mother - she knew it wasn't her fault and that she shouldn't blame herself for them...

But all she wanted to was to look as good as she did before she was pregnant....

Just like millions of other women who struggle with stretch marks.

Yet most women are told to just accept them and to live with them because there's no way to fade them...

Well, Ari and thousands of other women are now proving this to be a LIE!

Doctors told Armani she'd never fade her pregnancy stretch marks!

"It just feels good to know that there's finally a stretch mark product made for our skin type. There's finally a cream that we KNOW works!" - Amelia

But Does This Work Better Than Laser OR Other Procedures?

Laser is one of the last things any woman of color should look to when it comes to fading stretch marks...

Black and brown skin often scars up even more after laser treatment - many times making stretch marks worse.

And other procedures only temporarily cover up the problem - which means you'll need treatments regularly and treatments aren't cheap!

Island Beauty Stretch Mark Cream fades stretch marks by naturally targeting the root cause.

So you always know it's going to work and you never have to worry about side effects or complications.

This Time Of The Year Is The Most Popular Time To Try It

Janelle is bikini ready thanks to Island Beauty Cream

Summer is on the way - which means it's time to be at the pool, the beach, wearing crop tops, shorts, and showing a lot of skin.

So women are rushing to try Island Beauty Stretch Mark Cream.

And because Island Beauty only uses fresh oils from the islands, stock is very limited and restocking can takes months.

And with more and more women sharing their results, popularity is rising fast!

Imagine if you were able to fade your stretch marks before your next vacation?

Veronica had DARK stretch marks on her tummy from pregnancy, they're completely gone thanks to Island Beauty

You could wear that sexy bathing suit you've been wanting to get.

You could show off your body…

...and not a single person realize you're a mom.

And you’ll just be a happier, sexier you!

Stocking up now is the only way to guarantee that for this summer!

Ari Wants You To Experience The Same Results

Tonya, 29 from Columbia faded her stretch marks and tightened her loose skin

For the record…

...Amelia is not doing this for money or recognition.

She just wants to help women fade their stretch marks like she did.

She knows how frustrating it is to waste time and money on stretch mark products...

And how devastating it feels to have stretch marks ruin your confidence and sexiness.

She's tried very single product out there - creams..oils...treatments…

...But none of them worked for her.

She needed to find something that worked for HER skin type.

Not just any general product.

Ari's friend, Monica, enjoying her bikini body after fading her weight loss stretch mark and tightening her skin!

And since she's finally found a products that's worked for her, her friends, and her family...

She wants to share it with you too!

Soon you too can see your stubborn stretch marks fade away.

No matter what they look like or how long you've had them.

Just imagine lookin in the mirror and feeling sexier and more confident.

Imagine looking 5 or even 10 years younger.

Imagine everyone looking at your body not believing you're a mom!

This year, that's possible!


How Do You Get Your Hands On Island Beauty Stretch Mark Cream?

Well, today’s your lucky day!

Thanks to the success of Amelia and all her friends...

They're offering an unbeatable summer deal for everyone who reads this story.

But there's one just one thing...

Because Island Beauty is formulated from unique island plant oils - stock is extremely limited

And they're only able to extend this discount to the first 500 buyers

Ordering now puts you in the best position to be able to get your jars at this big discount

EDITORS UPDATE (05/04/2023):

This news article has gotten over 45,000 shares and Island Beauty Stretch Mark Cream sold out in the first 8 hours. 

But after much back and forth and a lot of pleading from thousands of readers...

Island Beauty has agreed to extend this sale for another 500 jars. But they've made it clear that these are the last 500 jars.

If you're reading this update, DO NOT WAIT to purchase if you want to try this cream for summer!

What Are Women Saying About Island Beauty?

"I've struggled with stubborn stretch marks ever since puberty, but this cream has been a game-changer!

Within weeks, I noticed a significant fading in my stretch marks. It's given me so much confidence!"
- Sabi

"I can't believe how effective this cream is! As an African-American woman, finding a product that caters to my skin tone has always been a challenge.

This cream not only helped fade my stretch marks but also evened out my skin tone. Highly recommend!" - Nia M.

"Being a proud Latina, I was thrilled to find a stretch mark cream that specifically addresses the needs of women of color.

This cream has truly exceeded my expectations. It's lightweight, non-greasy, and has helped fade my stretch marks beautifully." - Isabella G

"I've tried several stretch mark creams, but none have worked as effectively as this one.

The blend of ingredients specifically designed for women of color has made a noticeable difference in the color and texture of my stretch marks. I'm thrilled with the results!" - Keisha S.

"I've struggled with stretch marks on my hips for years, but this cream has transformed my skin!

 The rich formula deeply moisturizes and has significantly reduced the appearance of my stretch marks. Thank you!" - Jasmine L.

"I've had these stretch marks ever since pregnancy and I HATED looking at them. I'm sooo glad my friend told me about this cream.

It's only been about a month and my stretch marks are barely visible. I'm in love with this stuff! 😍" - Ash

"I've used many products to fade my stretch marks, but this cream has been the most effective by far.

It absorbs quickly, doesn't leave a residue, and has visibly evened my skin tone. I highly recommend it!" - Carmen M.

Ari Did All This Work Because She Cares

She understands what it's like to feel self-conscious about stretch marks. She understands how they insecure they make you feel...

And more importantly she knows what it's like to think you're stuck with them forever!

But Ari also know how it feels to fade them...

She knows how it feels to look into the mirror and feel sexier and more confident.

And now that she knows all other women of color can get the same results, she's wants everyone to experience Island Beauty Stretch Mark Cream.

Now if you're still on the fence...

What Do You Have To Lose? 

You have 2 choices.

Choice #1 - you decide that Island Beauty Stretch Mark Cream isn't for you.

Which is fine.

You can leave this page and go on with your life. And look in the mirror everyday and wonder what would've happened if you tried Island Beauty Stretch Mark Cream...

There’s nothing wrong with that.

Or...choice can erase your stretch marks by getting Island Beauty Stretch Mark Cream today...

...and have your dream body by summer. And wake up everyday feeling so much more confident and sexy.

It's totally up to you!

If you're ready to fade all your stretch marks for summer, click the button to check if Island Beauty Stretch Mark Cream is still available!


Saudi Mya

This stuff works amazing! I faded all my stretch marks and everyone at the beach thought I was in college. I'm grown with 3 kids 🤣🤣

Mariana Rivera

Has anyone tried this? I want to believe it but its hard for me to trust stuff that's online

Cynthia Reynolds

I used it every night before bed and my stretch marks lightened in just a few weeks!!

Saudi Mya

Wow! Girl you look good. Mariana, it worked for me as well. Try it, I've seen it work for my friends too!!

Mariana Rivera

Okay thanks ya'll! Just made my first order fingers crossed!! 🤞🏼

Sofia Brown

I love products that have some real stories to them and aren't just shoved down our throats. Thank you for your story and discovery!!

Zara Green

I've see this all over Instagram and decided to try it out. The results don't disappoint! Im only one my first jar!!!

Aaliyah Clark

Does this work for older booty stretch marks?

Mia Simmons

Yes it worked for me. This is after 3 jars.

Amara King

I have really thick stretch marks on my leg but don't know if it works for that? Help!!

Mia Hernandez

Same I want to know if works. I am need help really bad. I have bad stretch marks everywhere.

Ava Lewis

These were mine before, I'll take another photo soon, but it's working really well for me!!

Zara Green

I never got a single stretch mark my entire pregnancy. I am so happy!!! I love this cream!

Zara Green

My skin has tightened up and gotten a lot firmer since using this. Will keep using for better results. Only thing I hate is it's always sold out!! 🤬

Tiffany Colster

OMGG this workss! I was so insecure about my butt because I thought my marks made me look fat. Now they're gone! So grateful for this cream!!

Olivia Dyer

Yes it worked for me too but it's kinda expensive. I just wish it was cheaper but I at least it works!

Isla Robinson

No kidding! But I kinda like how it makes me feel expensive. Whenever I use it I feel like it's Chanel or something 🤣 IDEK WHY! 🤣

Zo L.

I got surgery and then got stretch marks after SMH! He told me this wouldn't happen. Luckily I found this and gave it a try. It works my skin looks even again.

Fendi Jean

Did you surgery get rid of stretch marks that's what I heard is only way to get rid of them???

Zo L.

NO SURGERY GAVE ME STRETCH MARKS!!!! This cream is what faded them!

Zo L.

I had to use a lot of cream to get my results. Seems like it works better for others, but my stretch marks are still lighter so I can't complain too much!

LaKiesha Adams

Did you surgery get rid of stretch marks that's what I heard is only way to get rid of them???

Kenya Robinson

Stop reading this review and go buy it. If you're like me you've tried everything and nothing worked. Well this stuff actually does, if you are Black or Latina this is made for you. GO BUY IT!!

Layla Mitchell

Noo don't buy it. We need to keep it in stock for those of us who already use it. They're always out of stock I swear!!! 😒

Zoey Davenport

I tried this because of my sister she said it works really good. So I tried it and now my stretch marks look lighter and even thank you.

Monique Lancaster

So glad I finally found a cream made for black skin. I'm so tired of these generic brands that don't work for our skin type. This has been the only cream that worked for me!!!!

Sweet Turner

Thank you my daughter has same kind of marks Im going to buy for her now.

Zoey Davenport

SOO happy with my results!!

Beda Redmond

On my momma this works! Finally a product we can trust!

Love Garrison

How long did you use it?

Beda Redmond

I think I'm on week 2 or 3 I haven't been using it everyday though

Trinity Foster

My stretch marks were over 8 years old. I'm on my 3rd order and they're pretty much gone now. I will tell all my friends about this.

Alyisha Mendle

Latina mother of 5 here. I struggled with stretch marks after every pregnancy. They just got worse and worse. This cream has saved my confidence thank you so much.



4.8 | 11,937 Reviews

Ivielyn Torres

Week 8 of using it and I love my results!!

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If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read on this page or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.

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